Read tips to remember
'Do not miss reading' or 'forget everything we read' - these are regular reports of many of us. Many people think that if there was no reading-less, life would have been more sweet. But it is not possible. So remember to follow each other techniques to remember. But what about medical science? Let's say in medicine or medicine, know about 9 strategies to remember-
1) To feel the attraction about what to learn: When people feel attracted to something, they can easily memorize it. The limbic system of the brain plays the largest role for our memory structure or memory formation. More prominently, the hippocampus of this system. Hippocampus relates to the feeling of joy and pain.
We have a kind of attraction for pleasure and hardship. So it's always fun or difficult to turn things into memory or memories. As a result, the memories of human suffering are never forgotten. As well as happy events also become permanent memory or permanent memory. So, if you want to learn something, you have to attract the attention of the subject.
2) It must be noticed by the eyes: Visual memory is the easiest to remember what people try to remember. That is, the people who remember the eyes. Seeing that, when someone was asked to remember something, he tried to remember the events of that time. Even when reading, most of the book pages appear in front of our eyes. It means that people learn more by watching or in the visual way. As a result, if you want to increase memory capacity, you will see more photos, tables, book pages and accessories.
3) It is very easy to read carefully: to remember something, it is very useful to divide it into different sections or segments. For example, 467890 is as easy to remember as it is easier to remember the number divided by 467 and 890. We are afraid to read many great definitions of textbooks. But dividing the big definition into few parts will be easily remembered. This is because our brains can concentrate more on small things than a lot of things. And so big reading will be small enough to be read carefully. It's easy to remember.
4) To find out the similarity of the previously learned subject with new learning points: When a brain gets new to something new, it starts comparing it with old memories or memory. If it matches the old memory then it quickly adds to the previous memory. But if you have to learn a whole new brain, you have to build a new memory tray that is a little time-consuming. That is why it is very easy to remember when you have mixed with old things.
5) Write down the habit of writing: If we write down, then more areas of our brein are stimulated. The parts of the brain that are involved with writing again help to transform information (permanent memory) into permanent memory. Besides, if people want to write something, then his attention increases in writing. It helps to create chronic memory or perimant memory.
5) Marker use or coloring is also effective: Many people use marker when reading. It is quite useful Because when something is marked, the interest and attraction on that word increases. Along with this, the effect of brain on the brain has increased. As a result, there is convenience to remember.
6) After the afternoon or in the evening should be studied: Various medical studies have found that before 10am the brain of the brain is not fully operational. After this period, gradual increase in brain activity. Especially after afternoon, brain activity increases. So reading it in the morning or evening after reading in the morning is more effective.
7) Sufficient sleep: The brain is mainly built in memory making sleeping inside. Studies have shown that all daytime work and events are transformed into memory at the time of sleep. As a result, if you want to convert any information into memory, you will have enough sleep as well as reading-writing.
8) Using mnemonic: mnemonic means a special technique to remember. Our brain can pay more attention to the strategically planned ones than the messy ones. As a result, if something is made in table or table form or made of mnemonic, then memory is built and remembered.
9) Repeated reads: Short-term memory in our brains (long-term memory) is transformed into long-term memory only when it becomes emotional (happiness or cost) or repeated inputs (ie repetition). If there is repeated input, there is a permanent structural change at the place of memory in memory of the brain. And these structural chains result in permanent or permanent memory.
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